Accidentally in Love: Episode 11

Sometimes it only takes a moment for things to change. Qingqing unknowingly puts herself in an unwanted position that will probably make her life more complicated in the future yet also puts her in the position to possibly discover some more things about her past. It’s like a double-edged sword but it’s something that Qinqing will have to go through sooner or later.


It’s nighttime at school and Qingqing looks at her plant recalling Feng’s words from earlier seemingly a little disheartened at him calling her ugly, but one look at the plant puts a smile on her face.


Fangfang is in her own type of mood and is distracted when Qingqing tries to call to her, only noticing Qingqing when she comes over to her desk. Qingqing immediately takes notice to the man’s jacket on her desk and wants answers, but Fangfang refuses to answer them and ushers her to go to sleep.


The next day Fangfang leaves the empty classroom with the jacket in her hands leaving Nanxi, Feng, and Qingqing there. Feng warns Qingqing not to overwater the plant and, when he sneezes, Qingqing retorts that he should take care of himself first. As he approaches her desk, he tells her that she’s quite interesting sometimes since she has a lot of skills and asks she not put on a scary face. Qingqing calls Feng the coward since he seems to like her when she’s nice but runs when she turns a little mean. He’s only interested in who says he likes her.


Qingqing tries to divert the subject to asking him who gave him the right to determine what girls should be like saying that they should be able to determine for themselves. Feng says that he didn’t mean that and brings up Qingchen, wanting Qingqing to just have half of her qualities.

Qingqing asks Feng if he really knows who she is and Feng lists off a set of qualities and tells Qingqing she should get to know her since she should learn how to improve herself from her, getting Nanxi to agree with him. Imagine their reactions when they find out that they’re actually talking to Qingchen herself.


Seeing them both in a daze, Qingqing knocks them out of it by asking the real question, if they ever notice anything strange about Qingchen since she shows up and disappears without a word. She also points out how she always wears a long dress every time they meet her and begins to create a theory about her being a ghost, creeping the two boys out as they begin to think more about the strange occurrences. She then freaks them out by pointing to the window where we see Qingchen going by the window with a creepy smile on her face, successfully freaking the boys out.


Turns out it was their imagination with Qingqing flickering the lights and upon realizing that, they quickly let go of each other and attempt to regain their composure. Qingqing just leaves without a word while Feng and Nanxi try to get rid of the awkward atmosphere.


Fangfang has gone to return the coat to Yiyang and Qingqing stumbles upon their encounter. She quickly runs up to Fangfang to ask about it and Fangfang quickly gives the explanation that her clothes ripped so he lent his jacket so there’s nothing going on. That’s not the problem, though, Qingqing just wants to warn Fangfang to stay away from Yiyang.


When Professor Chen passes by them, though, Qingqing suddenly remembers about seeing her picture with her parents and runs to catch up with her. She begins the conversation by asking about a past great alumni, Xiao Jingnan, the name of her father, which slightly gets a reaction out of Professor Chen who wants to know why she’s asking. Qingqing passes it off as a project that the Student Council is working on and Professor Chen says that he was a great person but won’t give her any more information, just directing her to the archives.


The university will be putting on a play and the cast list is put up. Qingqing goes to see that the production will be produced by Professor Chen and the gossipy girls point out that Qingqing is on the top of the list for the supporting cast, with Xinya being at the top for the main.

They arrive at that moment, and everyone scatters but Qingqing. Xinya believes Qingqing will be a laughing stock if she’s a main character and Qingqing takes it upon herself to point out that Xinya’s friends aren’t even on the list anyway. She directs her attention to Xinya saying that she’s never even seen how she acts and Xinya asks if that means she wants to see. Qingqing edges her on about wanting to see with Xinya not backing down. Qingqing has actually seen Xinya act before, at the audition, but Xinya doesn’t know that.


Also, side note, how in the world do they just randomly come up with this list of who gets to be in it haha.

Rehearsals start later that day with Feng sneezing right at the beginning. Professor Chen congratulates everyone for making the cut for their production of Beauty and the Beast and says that they’ll have a performance in two weeks. She assigns Nanxi as the director and assigns the rest of the roles. Needless to say that Feng is the Beast and Xinya is Belle. Qingqing ends up being Lumiere, standing in the background with the other supporting members.


She did mention that she was taking over the drama class, so maybe that explains how they ended up being in this small production, but Xinya’s not even in their class.

But from Qingqing’s position she sees Xinya place her arm on Feng and ask him for guidance on her first stage play. Feng pats her on the shoulder in encouragement, positive that she’ll do well. Qingqing watches their interaction with an upset look.


The rehearsal officially begins with Xinya overacting the entire time with various unnecessary arm movements. When they’re done the first time she asks Nanxi how she did and he asks that she restrain her movements a little so they try the scene again. However, nothing is changed and her movements are still the same every time they do the scene. They end up doing the scene multiple times, each time everyone else getting more tired with Xinya’s acting. At one point she even runs out of the theater and keeps going. No one stops her.

They wait for her to come back but when it doesn’t seem like it’ll be any time soon, Qingqing is the one to say that they should give the role of Belle to Feng in order to improve the quality of the show. Professor Chen thinks she’s joking around but she says she’s not, that Nanxi can vouch for her, Feng looks nice in women’s clothing. Feng wants to know if they’re playing a prank, but Qingqing says that they’re praising him.


Feng says that if they’re saying the truth then Qingqing should be the Beast. They begin to argue with one another in their typical way and one of the other girls say that it would be perfect with Feng as Belle and Qingqing as the Beast. Professor Chen comments on their nice chemistry with one another and says it would be nice to see them do it.

Qingqing offers to take a vote asking who objects to him playing Belle and no one raises their hand. Professor Chen decides that those roles will be permanent and she has the final say with Xinya taking the role of Gaston since she wouldn’t accept a supporting role. Xinya finally comes back after her yelling and when asked if she was better, no one wants to respond.


The rehearsal starts with the new leads and it seems to be going well but Feng doesn’t look too well during one of their runs and Qingqing becomes concerned, noticing he broke out into a fever. Even though they take him to the infirmary, rehearsal must go on so neither Qingqing nor Xinya can follow him there.

Later that same day Qingqing is in the classroom asking Nanxi about Feng’s condition. He’s at home resting because of the cold he got because of his fever and Qingqing wonders if it’s because of the pool scene he had to shoot. Nanxi overhears that and is able to put the pieces together. He confirms for Qingqing that Feng is afraid of water and he comments on her seemingly worried state. Qingqing laughs it off as them just being classmates and having each other’s back before heading back to her seat.


Once she sits down, some of Feng’s fangirls surround her desk, since she’s his assistant, and want her to deliver some of their gifts for him. They end up covering her and his entire desk.

It’s raining by the time school lets out and she takes the gifts to Feng’s house. As soon as she enters she sees Feng’s father sitting on the couch and attempts to cover her face, as she was the one who ruined his wedding. She introduces herself as his assistant and he assumes that she’s Mei, his stylist assistant, I guess she’s his assistant. He tells one of the maids to help her carry the gifts but Qingqing rejects, since that would give away her face, and she insists that she has to deliver them herself, making her way upstairs to his room.


She manages to head into Feng’s room, where he’s peacefully sleeping. She places the gifts down on the table and heads over to the side of his bed to check his condition and tries to fix his blankets. He knocks them off of himself, though, and Qingqing manages to see his boxers and immediately becomes embarrassed.


Nevertheless, she manages to try to pull herself together to pull the covers back over him only to end up sneezing in his face, waking him up. Feng screams in shock and covers himself up when he sees Qingqing and demands to know what she was doing. She tries to explain that she was only trying to help him cover up but he thinks she was drooling over his face. She gets in a jab telling him that she doesn’t like people who wear childish underwear and Feng backs down asking her not to tell anyone.


Qingqing explains her true purpose for coming, which probably isn’t her true purpose at all, which is dropping off the gifts from his fans and announces she’s leaving. He stops her asking if she got caught in the rain, noticing her wet clothes, and suggests she changes before she catches a clothes. Having nothing else to change into, Feng gives her one of his shirts and he stares at her in amazement when she comes out of the bathroom. When asked why he’s staring, he tells her that the clothes will warm her up and unsuccessfully attempts to divert his gaze somewhere else.


Their semi-romantic moment is cut short by the knocking of Xinya at Feng’s bedroom door. So they closed the door in the meanwhile. The two begin to freak out, not knowing what to do and knowing that it’ll be bad if they’re caught, Qingqing is in his clothes after all. When Qingqing tries to hide, like behind the curtain or in the bathroom, Feng rejects it all.

In the end, when Xinya comes in, Feng is in bed with the covers over him and Qingqing is nowhere to be seen. She tells him that she was worried about him and when she goes to take his temperature, he leans over really far on the bed for her to feel his face. She notices that he feels better but he has a strange complexion. But that doesn’t matter as she summons her own team that she’s assembled to take care of him. It’s then that we can see Qingqing hiding underneath the blanket right next to Feng.


Xinya begins to give them directions on how to take care of Feng, with one being in charge of 24 hour surveillance but when she has one try to change Feng’s blanket, he objects and plays a tug of war with her. He tells Xinya that the doctor said to have thick blankets to sweat out the cold and she orders for another one to be put on top. That practically suffocates Qingqing who hits Feng’s leg. He tells her to take it off and she quickly does.

Knowing that she’ll never leave, he tries to tell her that he needs enough rest so she should leave. She reveals that she actually took a leave off of school for the day and sits down on the bed, only to have Qingqing yell out in pain. Feng tries to pass it off as his own yelling as he attempts to talk her out of staying once again. The second time works and she tells her team to leave with Feng ushering her out.


When she’s gone, he knocks on the sheets to get Qingqing to come out, but Xinya makes another unexpected appearance and Qingqing quickly covers herself up, but this time her feet are sticking out and Xinya notices the nail polish. Feng plays it up, though, even getting Qingqing to pose her feet, asking Xinya if he looks good, to which she agrees. Qingqing is able to finally come out as she asks why Feng had to think of that idea but he says that he had no other plan.

Her phone begins to ring and Feng has an annoyed face when it’s revealed that the caller is Nanxi. It’s not good news as she’s being called back to school for more rehearsals. Qingqing wishes for him to get better telling him that she’ll be waiting on stage for him to play Belle and their bickering friendship has returned. But did he seem disappointed that she had to leave?


The gossipy students are gossiping about Professor Chen in the theater and she yells at them. Feng and Nanxi, meanwhile, are practicing their lines on stage, Nanxi standing in for Feng. Behind them Xinya and her minions are singing about the greatness of Gaston. Qingqing asks that they go practice somewhere else and Xinya aims the sword at her while her minions still sing their song. Nanxi is the one who stops them and sends them off to rest.


Nanxi moves onto the next scene with Qingqing, the piano scene, and says they’ll dub the music. Qingqing confidently goes over the piano and begins to play the same German song that Qingchen, well she, played at Feng’s music video set.

Xinya isn’t impressed but it seems like her silhouette is ringing a bell for Professor Chen, perhaps Qingqing’s mother? Professor Chen isn’t the only one who is reminded of someone as Nanxi is brought back to the set of Feng’s music video. He suddenly remembers the first day he met Qingqing, knocking into her and seeing the girl at the hotel and it suddenly makes sense. He puts it together that Qingchen is Qingqing and wonders why she’s disguising herself, wondering what it is she wants to hide.


Nanxi is deep in thought that night when Feng comes to see him. Feng tells Nanxi that he’s the only friend he has left and wonders why they’re meeting at such a late hour when Nanxi typically goes to bed early. He notices that Nanxi has a lot on his mind and tell shim to spill it since he’ll help him straighten out his thoughts.


Feng brings up Qingchen, saying that he knows Nanxi has a crush on her. Nanxi looks a little dejected at the mention of her name but he throws back that Feng has a crush on Qingqing. Feng’s a little shocked but goes back to rejecting it, asking who’d be unlucky enough to like her.

But Nanxi brings up the fact that they never fought before and wonders what would happen if they would end up fighting one day, what the reason would be. Feng swears he’d never hurt his friend and can’t help but notice Nanxi’s strange behavior.


Feng gets a phone call at that moment from Daniel who informs him that the company computers were hacked and the MV for Breathe was released. Daniel explains the rest of the situation to Feng who hopes that nothing else will happen. When Nanxi asks him what happened, Feng brushes it off as things with the company.

It’s a new day and Feng is in the gym playing basketball when Qingqing comes to visit him as she notices his better appearance. She suggests they have an impromptu rehearsal only to be interrupted by the arrival of someone who yells at him off screen. It’s no secret that it’s Yiyang.


Nanxi, why are you asking about fighting with Feng? Are you planning on battling him in the future to win the heart of Qingqing? But you seem like such a good guy, I can’t really see you doing that. But still, he found out. He discovered that Qingqing is Qingchen. I’m honestly not all that surprised that he was the one to discover it based on the piano playing. Feng wasn’t there to hear it and Xinya doesn’t really seem like she’s all that smart to put it together like Nanxi.

Based on the way that he was asking Feng about them ever fighting, it didn’t really seem like he was going to tell Feng about Qingqing’s hidden identity. Maybe he’s waiting to figure it out or privately reveal it to her to find out about her intentions? He seems like an analytical guy who would try to figure out what was going on first before revealing the truth, kind of like needing the whole story to put it together.

But then the question is if he tells Feng. Surely Feng would be angry at the fact that something like that was hidden from him. He already made a previous comment about how he hates lying and well, Qingqing is basically lying about her entire life. Also, the progress that their friendship and relationship has taken thus far would entirely be in vain as he’d probably never want to talk to her ever again.


If Nanxi were to tell Qingqing that he knows, though, I feel like she should take the opportunity to tell those people that she’s the closest to. I know she doesn’t want her grandfather’s men coming after her, but if just a select number of people know, then it might not be that bad and her changes of being found out are smaller. Then we would have the accidental slip-up by someone and create a whole new mess of drama, so maybe we don’t actually need that. I am interested to see what Nanxi does, if he actually does anything, with the new information at his grasp.

I’m also interested to see what Yiyang will say about the release of Breathe. He doesn’t know that it’s not Feng’s fault the video was released, but since it’s Feng’s song, he’ll obviously place the blame on him. He definitely seems like a person who keeps his word, so I wonder what kind of consequences Feng will unknowingly face.


Anyway, one thing that I absolutely loved about this episode was that we actually got to see more of Qingqing essentially being jealous, whether she realizes it or not. Previously we could briefly see that she didn’t like Xinya with Feng but it was in the gray area of whether it was because she just couldn’t stand Xinya or because she was actually jealous. It’s still a bit in the gray area but I’m led to believe that it’s because of her interactions with Feng, that she can’t stay Xinya but she can’t stand her even more because she tries to always get close to Feng, enacting her jealousy.

And as always, we continue to get a jealous Situ Feng. Can’t he just admit to Nanxi that he likes her? It’s clear that he knows, which is why he may be hesitant about the whole Qingqing is Qingchen thing. Literally all I want for this guy is to admit it to someone that he’s starting to fall for her, then maybe we wouldn’t get those longing looks all of the time or his surprised face when someone, particularly Nanxi, asks if he likes her.


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