Accidentally in Love: Episode 24

Things are seemingly on the up and up for our two couples as they continue to grow, develop, and finally get some things off their chests. But with the ending getting closer, the path we should be only going on is the up and up…right?


Mei and Feng are in the office when Qingqing enters for her meeting as Hebiancao. She’s wearing a mask claiming that she’ll lose her composure when she sees Feng and he might get frightened by her facial expressions and they try to be fine with it. They don’t make her take it off, though, and they decide to have the meeting. Feng offers his hand for Qingqing to shake as a first meeting and when Qingqing takes it, something seems to be familiar and he begins looking at her outfit. That’s when Qingqing begins acting like a big fan causing Mei to try to get her to settle down.


The three of them have the meeting, Daniel had to do other things, but Feng is still curious about her appearance wondering if she’s really Hebiancao. Qingqing takes out her past materials to show and that’s when the guitar pick necklace reveals itself and Feng pulls off the mask to reveal Qingqing and she reveals her identity as Hebiancao.

Feng can’t believe it and the two begin to argue. Daniel and Mei watch them back and forth like a tennis match not fully understanding what’s going on. The two continue to get their own digs at one another but still agree to go through with the partnership. At least Daniel realizes that they’re acting like enemies, even if they don’t understand the reasoning.


The press conference happens later that day about their partnership and thee two are polite with one another. Qingqing admits to her role as Feng’s past assistant and also as his number one fan and Feng says he just found out about her identity but was mad, when asked.

In the library Fangfang thinks to when Qingqing told her to chase and seize her own happiness and determines that she’ll be confident in herself. She goes to look for the book she was reading that day but can’t find it anywhere and decides to ask the front desk about it. They only have the Chinese version as the English one was checked out.


Fangfang heads to the classroom to look for Yiyang when she runs into Dalei and Yeban. They begin to talk about how many girls have come to look for him and ask Fangfang why she jumped on the bandwagon of liking Yiyang. She denies it but runs into Yiyang out in the hall. She doesn’t answer him when he asks what’s wrong and just runs away. Yiyang decides to punish Yeban and Dalei for saying stupid things in front of his friend and chases after her.

She makes her way to the roof in tears when Yiyang finally catches up to her. He tells her to stop crying and she tells him that she doesn’t know what to do because she knows that they’re from different worlds. Yiyang doesn’t understand, thinking that they’re friends and Fangfang determines that it’s just that. But he comes up and hugs her telling her that whoever upsets her upsets him and tries his best to comfort her.


She wonders about where her book went, though, and Yiyang pulls out the English version, and her version, the Chinese one. She discovers that he was the one who checked out the book and wonders why he asked her about it then. It turns out he saw some of the English passage written on her notebook and was able to look it up on the internet that same day she was going to approach him with it in the library. When she left the library that day she put the book back and that’s where Yiyang retrieved it from.

Professor Chen praises the class for their hard work and points out Feng on improving his math grade. She points out that he should thank Qingqing for tutoring him and he begrudgingly does. She wishes them well on their break and class is officially dismissed. Feng leaves without saying another word to her.


At lunch that day Fangfang worries about Qingqing not eating but she’s not hungry. The gossipy kids also join their table and begin to wonder about who Qingqing is going through a breakup with. She just says that it’s over before it even began. They begin to talk about the school legend. One of the girls explains that legend has it if they enter the old clock tower and sincerely express their regrets, the clock might listen and she could return to the past. Qingqing isn’t afraid of such a place and decides to go there right at that moment.

Feng is angrily playing his heart out on the piano when Nanxi finds him. He points out that Xinyu taught them how to play that song and that it was a perfect song for when they began to fight and they actually calmed down when the song was played. He admits to liking Xinyu back then, even though he knew that Yiyang and Feng both liked her, too. He continues by saying he doesn’t know why he said they’d never fall for the same girl but points out that people contradict themselves and things change but if he had the chance to go back in time, he wouldn’t change a thing. Nanxi explains that he didn’t have much choice in life so he always ran whenever he was given one and in the end, he just narrowed down the answers to only one.


Feng finally gets up from the piano and tells Nanxi that he’d sometimes rather fight it out than listen to his confessions since it makes him tired. However, he’s finally understood and tells Nanxi he’ll figure out his decision soon enough.

Qingqing has made her way to the clock tower and stands in front of it. She greets it like it’s alive and introduces herself. She begins to recount the activities that brought her to that point, thinking back that if the clock could take her back, she’d never have run away from her wedding, never left Yuncheng, and never met him. She quickly decides to take that one back and decides to be taken back to the day he confessed his feelings while they were in the cave feeling that she should’ve confessed at that point but if she did and he got mad, then the good memories of that time wouldn’t exist.


She says that she doesn’t know what day she’d choose if she went back in time and she hears a voice responding to her. Thinking it’s the clock she begins to freak out when one arm begins to spin. However it’s only Feng and he ends up laughing from above.

He asks her if she believes in the legend and calls her love confession sappy. But he’s also there for the legend noting that there’s a specific time when you can make your wish and only then will the clock decide about it wishing that the transfer students can get their facts straight. They begin to bicker and Feng wonders if they’re both the idiots there.


Feng explains that he was mad because the person who went through everything with him was Qingqing and that everything that happened between them was real. So he wants to cherish every second and minute of it. Qingqing admits to thinking that Qingqing was a disguise but after meeting Feng she was confused about her real self. He explains that Nanxi taught him how to narrow things down and says he doesn’t care about her identities, he just likes her. Feng then takes her into his arms and kisses her.


That night they call each other on the phone and Feng wonders if they’re dating now, which Qingqing confirms saying that Feng is her girlfriend and she’s the boyfriend. She does suggest that they should keep their dating on the down low in case it affects his career and he agrees with that knowing that Qingqing will be affected if it’s made public. He at least wants to tell the people close to them.


Feng gets another phone call and puts Qingqing on hold. It’s from Lanting who invites him out to go to the beach this weekend with Xinya, Yiyang, and Nanxi. Feng agrees to it and they end their conversation. Feng invites Qingqing to come with him and she readily agrees.

Lanting, meanwhile, has Xinya next to her and she’s excited to hear that Feng agreed to come. Lanting promises to make Feng listen to her and Xinya can only count on her. It doesn’t seem like they have anything good planned.


Qingqing and Feng are in the office with Daniel as she shows him some of her artwork for the collaboration. Daniel is impressed with the work and leaves to go show them to another department.

Once they’re alone Feng tells Qingqing to tell him if she doesn’t earn enough after jokingly saying that she’s using him for money. He then tells her that he’s unsatisfied with one of the pictures, wanting to know where the female lead is, so Feng makes his own drawing, a stick figure of Qingqing. She decides to show him some of her creativity and it’s a box of cartoon Fengs on smaller boxes. The two begin to have a playful fight when Daniel enters. Feng asks if Daniel has his car ready and while he’s distracted, the two sneak out.


Feng’s fangirls are looking at news about Qingqing and Feng, about the partnership and basically about how Feng’s biggest fan was his assistant. They applaud her efforts for being able to make every fangirl’s dream come true and rather than angry, they seem kind of proud of her.


Well it finally happened. The first and secondary couples got together. I do kind of wish that Feng and Qingqing kind of had like a real talk where she was fully able to explain everything. Sure he may have heard things when he was in the rafters when she was talking about where she’d like to turn back to, but that doesn’t mean that he fully understood everything that happened to her in the past. I guess I just wanted a moment where everything was out on the table between those two.


Additionally I also kind of feel that things between Yiyang and Fangfang were settled rather simply. I guess I just wanted something more there as well. I mean their trajectory is nice and we got to see Yiyang change for the better, but all we really saw was them in passing or doing something nice for each other every once in a while and sometimes their scenes felt a little out of place. Maybe it had something to do with the actor who played Yiyang finishing his scenes pretty quickly and early in the production, probably due to another commitment.

I did like his trajectory from being a pain to actually sort of finding something else to do with his time. We could always see that he had a soft spot for Fangfang, ever since their first beginning, but maybe he thought that he shouldn’t get involved with her because of his messy past and also because of his reputation as a bad boy. He probably didn’t want to ruin her, especially after seeing how nice she is as well as her family. But since he was seemingly able to let go of the past and even patch things up with Feng, his decision to change his ways also meant that he was now able to pursue Fangfang proudly.


Xinya and Lanting are definitely going to cause problems, though. it seems like Xinya relies on Lantang for a lot of things and that Lantang will stop at nothing to allow Xinya to have what she wants. It doesn’t seem like Qingqing and Feng announcing that they’re dating is going to be very easy when Xinya has a renewed vendetta against her.

And if I’m perfectly honest, I kind of forgot that Qingqing was Hebiancao. It feels like it wasn’t brought up in a while that I actually kind of forgot that online persona even existed until they just brought it up again. But I’m also kind of confused in a way. Hebiancao is supposedly one of Feng’s biggest supporters and fans, so that means that Qingqing had to know who he was when he was on stage in the first episode, right? But then why did she not know who he was when they met in the alley? Unless the reasoning for that is because she made the page after she saw him for the first time but then she was just able to amass a large group of followers in that kind of short amount of time? I guess I’m just confused about the timeline of it all.


One thought on “Accidentally in Love: Episode 24

  1. Does anyone know what piano piece Situ Feng played in this episode?
    I’ve been wanting to learn it and I can’t find it anywhere.


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