Accidentally in Love: Episode 30 (End)

We have finally reached the end! It’s finally time to say goodbye to these characters as this episode continues to focus on Feng and Qingqing. However, their future dreams and aspirations begin to be mixed in to their relationship and sometimes when that happens, the outcome isn’t too great. But it’s the last episode and after everything that those two have been through we know that they won’t be discouraged so easily.


Upon hearing that Feng has information that relates to her father, Qingqing immediately awakens from curiosity. Feng informs her about an exhibition happening in the school and shows her a pencil he found there. But it’s not just any ordinary pencil, it has her father’s name engraved onto it. How he got it we’ll never know, but he does show her a sketch her father had done of her mother and attributes her drawing skills to him.

Looking at the picture makes Qingqing think it has magical powers as she feels like it’s a sketch made a boy who loved with all of his heart. Feng says that it must because he feels the same way whenever she draws him.


But Qingqing is determined to make drawing her new goal and Feng supports her. They quickly hug and she vows to start drawing that day and sits down at her table to start but she has no ideas. She can’t thin of an entire story to come up with since her previous drawings were just something done out of the blue.


Munian and Xinya are quietly looking at the ocean where Munian points out that they’ve been looking at the ocean for two days. He doesn’t understand it and thinks it’s humiliating that he has to fish for food every day. Xinya doesn’t really seem too concerned about what he thinks as she tells him that if he just manned up a little bit he wouldn’t be so annoying to her.

Munian gets up off of the sand to follow Xinya to the tent and they turn to talk to each other but end up kissing. Munian is shocked and Xinya storms away. He quickly follows her and she asks him why he kissed her. He says he didn’t and then wonders if he did. Xinya begins to see Munian in a new light and he says that her kiss broke the spell and grabs her for another one.


Qingqing agees to go for an interview for an office in a publishing company as an assistant that Feng has an acquaintance in. The acquaintance, Matthew, greets Qingqing and compliments her work. He begins to explain the work procedure for interns so that means that Qingqing can start working there right away. She enters the room, introduces herself, and begins to get to work.


Then we jump to six months later.

Mei and Daniel are sitting in the office when Feng enters. They’re clearly excited about something but try to hide it by the time he comes in. But they announce the news that an agency in America has decided to sign him and they’re excited about the opportunities that that brings. Daniel brings up the possibility of him working with one of the best producers, Adam, and Feng seems to light up about that but he’s not all too excited as the realization hits that he would have to go to America.


Daniel thinks that that’s a given and he casually mentions that he might not come back. Feng wonders about Qingqing, though, since he’d have to leave her and Mei gives hope saying she might want to come along.

The two meet on the field later and greet each other by running into each other’s arms. Qingqing boasts about her first short story being published and is excited about her future as a cartoon artist, even dreaming about opening her own studio. Qingqing notices his mood but Feng assures her that he’s really happy and that he believes she’ll become successful. They hug each other again as Qingqing confesses to it being the first time she’s ever felt so accomplished in her life.


That night Nanxi and Feng play basketball as they talk about his signing in America and him not telling Qingqing yet. Nanxi wonders if he’s going to go but Feng’s not so sure as he hasn’t really decided yet but does think it’s a good opportunity. Nanxi wonders if he wants Qingqing to go with him but Feng knows that she has her own career so she might not want to come. It finally hits Nanxi that if Feng leaves he’ll also be all alone but Feng is only worried about leaving Qingqing behind. As they take a break Nanxi advises Feng to tell her sooner rather than later since he’d end up lying to her and Feng just sarcastically asks if neither him nor Qingqing have ever lied to him.


But their peace and quiet is interrupted by the paparazzi who hound the place and begin asking questions about Feng going to America. He says that he hasn’t decided and they begin to ask questions about Qingqing but Nanxi escorts them out so Feng doesn’t have to answer.

At work, Qingqing gets praised by her coworkers and Matthew informs her of her transfer to an office in Japan because of her great works. Qingqing is concerned since she’s still in college but he says she could just transfer to a school over there and tells her she’s just a step away from her dream if she decides to go. Qingqing looks troubled as she sits back down.


Feng and Qingqing meet up later that day as Qingqing asks Feng if he likes the school. Feng tells her that he used to dislike it but ever since he met her he never knew what to expect in life and liked the spontaneity. They both begin a sentence at the same time, wanting to reveal their worries, and Qingqing goes first telling Feng about the company wanting to send her to Japan. Feng asks if she’s agreed but Qingqing hasn’t because she wants to stay with him. She tells him she can work on drawing anywhere and she’s working on a long story therefore she doesn’t have to go.

Feng goes next and says that a company in America wants to sign and debut him and Qingqing wonders if the company wants him to go or if he himself wants to go. Feng is still considering and Qinqing feels betrayed. He suggests she come along with him and that’s when Qingqing sees a news report stating that Feng has agreed to go to America but hasn’t said anything about his girlfriend.


Qingqing is angry and upset that she had to find out news about her boyfriend from the entertainment news and Feng argues that they made it up. Qingqing asks him when he was planning on telling her but Feng says that music is his dream and asks her to consider his dream. Qingqing bites back asking if he ever considered her and runs away.

That night Qingqing confesses her worries to her cat as she rethinks what happened earlier. She admits to overreacting but tells her cat that to her, it sounded like he had already decided on leaving and tries to come to terms with it.


Feng sings ‘To Be Your Love’ in the recording studio while the record producer Adam is there. He definitely likes what he hears and a contract is beginning to be formed. While in the hallway Daniel points out that everything’s going well and Mei wonders if he made up his mind. Before Feng can answer, he gets a voicemail from Qingqing who apologizes to him for throwing a fit about his dream. She figures she’s just a passerby in his life and knows she should support him in his dream. Qinqing adds that he give her a call when he’s free and that she’ll always be there. It sounds like a goodbye voicemail.


Representative Wang calls the three back in where they announce that the contract has been written. Adam invites Feng to the states and he agrees to go, much to the delight of everyone except Feng, really.

He and Qingqing walk on the bridge when Qingqing asks when he’s leaving. It’s the day after tomorrow so they don’t have much time. Feng asks if she’ll come see him off but Qingqing isn’t so sure and ultimately rejects the invite. Feng points out that he’s leaving and asks again but Qingqing doesn’t answer the question and only hugs him.


She finally confesses to just not wanting to see him off since she won’t be able to do it and figures they should say goodbye right then and there. She gives him a quick goodbye and quickly lets go of him before speed walking away, unable to look back at him.

Qingqing is in class with Feng’s empty seat next to her. She dejected stares at the seat. Feng is in the car with Adam to go to America where he asks for the inspiration of ‘To Be Your Love.’ Feng explains that it’s for the most important girl in his life and begins to praise all of Qingqing’s qualities. He tells him that he’s affected and encouraged by her move and every word and he fell in love with her before he realized it.


Back at school Qingqing sees Feng’s favorite chocolates in the desk and looks at her watch. Feng is continuing to explain his story to Adam when the car suddenly stops because of the driver being so touched by Feng’s story that he wants to go see his first love. Feng apologizes to Adam and wants to follow his heart and also gets out of the car saying he can’t go to America. At the same time, Qingqing bolts out of the classroom.


They both begin to run to their destinations and of course miss each other by a hair. Feng finally arrives at the school only to find out that Qingqing isn’t there. Nanxi is surprised to see him, as well as everyone else, and when he asks about Qingqing everyone tells him that she went to find him. Qingqing finally arrives at the airport but is unable to find Feng, as he’s obviously not there, but she doesn’t know that and continues to try to look around. With no Feng in sight, she resigns herself to thinking that he’s gone.

It’s late when she returns to campus that night but a guitar begins to play in the distance and Qingqing looks over to see Feng playing it. He begins to sing ‘To Be Your Love’ and Qingqing can’t believe her eyes as she approaches him. Feng jumps up on stage to reveal Nanxi playing the piano, Fangfang on the bass, and Yiyang on the drums playing with him.


She stands there listening to the song and as the chorus picks up, a crowd of students surround her. Everyone from the fangirls at the café, Xinya’s lackeys, Mei, and even some of the professors. I even see Yebei in the crowd.

During the second chorus Feng hops down from the stage and approaches Qingqing. He vows to her that no matter what happens he’ll never leave her and tells her he loves her. Qingqing smiles and they kiss in front of everyone. And it’s no let’s-just-stand-here-awkwardly-with-our-lips-only-pressed-against-each-other-while-everyone-stares kind of kiss. Nope, they actually move.


Qingqing narrates that that’s the end of the story as she enters a café and talks about everything that she lost, like her look and identity, but she found love, made friends, and even found her true self. She thinks that a story doesn’t necessarily need to have an ending and that you’ll only end up contradicting yourself if you define everything.

Xinya comes on the scene as Qingqing explains that she’s still mean but Munian has somehow tamed her.


Yiyang, on the other hand, has become gentle since he started dating Fangfang yet we still see him try to get someone to move, just in a not so threatening way. Fangfang scolds him and he apologizes but all is good.


Nanxi looks down in the dumps but Qingqing says that he did end up finding someone and that someone is none other than Qingqing’s best friend Yiyi. She’s decided to transfer to the college and Qingqing introduces the two.


Qingqing narrates that for her and Feng, her book is going to be published and says that Feng’s career has plummeted since he didn’t agree to go to the states and he completely depends on her as he brings a kid into the scene. What? She says that the kid is their own and that Feng is a family man who stays at home and takes care of their kids.


Don’t worry, it was only her imagination in her book and Feng calls it ridiculous that she said his career plummeted and he points out that she didn’t want a kid yet. Qingqing reasons that she has to make her story marketable and says that his career will make a comeback in the story. Feng doesn’t agree and leaves her sitting at the table with Qingqing chasing after him.


We see that her comic book is a story based around them and is called ‘Accidentally in Love.’


And there we go! In a way the ending was nice and tied up the loose ends while keeping opportunities open, so I guess it can be classified more as sort of an open ending but at the same time, it left me slightly confused. Because…why couldn’t they both try to achieve their dreams? I understand that they just want to stay with each other and they could argue that they’re young and still have opportunities in front of them, but I think that they could’ve tried to maybe work through a long distance relationship with Feng working on his career in America and Qingqing in Japan. That was really the only confusing part about the ending, them essentially giving up their dreams, partly, to be with one another. In the overall picture, though, I highly enjoyed this series, besides the whole Xinya plot for those like three episodes or whatever, that I could live without.

But maybe they both felt like they needed to stay and sort of make their relationship stronger before they tried out something long distance. Maybe they felt that they couldn’t separate at that moment and like Feng said before, they’re both young so opportunities will present themselves again. It was just that this time around they weren’t in a good place to take advantage of them.


I liked seeing the transition from Feng and Qingqing to go from two people who really couldn’t kind of stand each other into two people in a committed relationship who were able to fully support one another and learn from their mistakes. I just love bickering relationships turned lovers and their dynamic has to be one of my favorite ones. For the most part of their friendship there was always that underlying string of fun, of always poking fun at each other in the enjoyable way and just plain old having a good time.

But while this drama was mostly lighthearted, it did have its moments as well, like Feng overcoming the whole situation with Xinyu and Qingqing coming to some sort of acceptance about her parents and her grandfather. I did like the storyline about Xinyu. I liked how it tied in and made sense with some of their attributes, like Yiyang. I know I mentioned it before about Yiyang and the boxing thing but I think that was a great detail.


I liked that it wasn’t really glossed over and that it did pan out over quite a few episodes, until obviously the big thing happened with it. But up until then, you could see how it affected Feng and his group of friends. He and Yiyang weren’t really friends anymore and Feng could barely even think about Xinyu, let alone have anyone near him mention something about her. Even his guilt was seen through his relationship with Xinya and how he basically put up with whatever she did.

One thing I probably can’t talk enough about is just the OST itself and the placing of the background music throughout the show. For probably the entirety of the show, at least I can’t think of any points that disagree, it always felt like the music was placed at the best times, even the instrumentals and extra sounds. Whenever they were in a playful of mischievous mood the light instrumental would play reciprocating those same feelings.


But what definitely stood out to me was the usage of Feng’s song ‘Star.’ The song itself was used more towards the end, after Feng introduces it in episode eighteen, but the points where it was played just made the scenes feel so much more impactful, I guess. The instrumental would play and then Feng’s singing at the chorus just comes through the moment something big happens, like with Qingqing’s storming the engagement party. I just feel like that song was wonderfully used and even the lyrics itself are just amazing.

I also do have things that I wished had happened during the show and the most major top one of that list has to be Qingqing’s reveal of herself as Qingchen. I’m not actually that upset regarding the way that Feng found out because okay, I guess it makes more sense story wise to have him be angry for Qingqing keeping such a lie from him. But just because I think that it was acceptable for the storyline doesn’t mean that I don’t think it could’ve been different.


I was just always hoping for that kind of big reveal, which just never happened. I was waiting for Qingqing to just kind of come out with it and I guess for everyone to be way more shocked than how they were. I wanted Qingqing to be able to rub it in Xinya’s face and make her take back all of the things that she ever said about her before. I just wanted there to be some sort of impact. But in the end, it was just sort of said and then forgotten about as if she hadn’t been living as someone else all of that time. No one seemed surprised about it but Feng, and Nanxi but he found out earlier so that’s alright. Everyone else in the school seemed pretty chill about it, I mean she walked into class as her Qingchen self and no one said anything about it, and that’s great and all I guess but that’s not really what I imagined or really wanted it to be.


A part of me does think that if this series just had some more time that they would’ve been able to elaborate on things more. Sometimes it just felt like some things were just used for convenience rather than given an actual purpose. Like Jingyang, Qingqing’s almost fiancé. He was talked about in the two previous episodes but never brought up again. If the series were longer than the half an hour it was, then maybe something could’ve emerged from there. Or even like Xinya getting over her feelings. It’s great that she was able to move on and be with Munian, but I’d like to see some of that growth. But I think that the time length of the show was the problem with that. Then again, who knows, if the show was longer maybe it would feel draggy or get slow at some parts. I do know that I would’ve liked to see more about Nanxi’s backstory, he mentioned being an illegitimate child and it’s seen how he and his mother aren’t well liked by his cousin yet his grandmother seems to enjoy them, and even Yiyang’s, like what did his parents do that caused them to be absent, and Fangfang’s, her brief glimpse of family life seemed really sweet, just a little more explanation or ability to see a little more about them.


One thing that I think was definitely sort of underused and only used as a plot device was Feng being an idol. It was said multiple times and in the beginning we saw that Qingqing made money through Feng having a concert once but everything past that was kind of just brought up when needed. Like Feng saying that Qingqing was his fiancée in the beginning. Since Feng is an idol, that sort of news should’ve gone viral and something should’ve been done about it but Qingqing was just made Feng’s assistant and the whole thing was forgotten about. The same thing goes with when Qingqing and Feng begin to date, his fans are just suddenly okay with it for the most part. But like he’s able to go to school perfectly fine and everything and I just felt like it was underused in a way. So maybe I’m not entirely sure what I expected with the whole idol storyline; however, in retrospect, it was more like Feng was a college student who just so happened to sing and dance sometimes. Maybe I just hoped that it would be used for more than just a convenient plot device.

Overall, ‘Accidentally in Love’ was a great show and I absolutely loved every second of it. It’s a show that I think I’ll easily rewatch over and over, at least those parts that I like, and I’ll just find myself continually loving it. All in all, it was a series I highly enjoyed.

《惹上冷殿下》佛山开机  郭俊辰化身歌星魅力全开

4 thoughts on “Accidentally in Love: Episode 30 (End)

  1. I love this show.It’s still my favourite romantic Chinese series
    It’s just that some events were not dished out properly.Maybe it’s because of the time frame but a lot of characters were underused and also their artiste were underused


    • I agree. I would’ve liked to see more from the secondary characters, pretty much all of them because I thought they all had super interesting backstories. I do think that length of the episodes was probably the deciding factor in what caused a lot of things to feel lacking overall.


  2. Alguien sabe si habra 2 temporada de accidentally in love, esuqe hay rumores que habra segunda temporada y no quiero ilucionarme porfavor que alguien me diga, gracias.


  3. The thing that annoyied me the most was that Feng refused to let her look her normal self. That’s some tocic behavior. I kept think when is she going to take off the fake appearance?! And she never does. Kinda a let down.


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