Hot Mom (Japanese) Series Review

To preface this, as you can already tell from the title, this is just going to be a complete series overview instead of the usual episode by episode recaps. The primary reason for that is because this currently isn’t subbed anywhere which means that I watched it raw. I have taken classes in Japanese and do have an understanding of the language to some extent but because I don’t want to convey any potentially incorrect information, I’d rather just generally speak about the series and my overall impressions of the show. If one day I could potentially either find subtitles for this show or perhaps even Japanese subtitles, I would probably readily do an episode by episode recap because I just loved this series so much.

But to give a description about this show, it’s based off of the 2013 Chinese series of the same name. Now, I’ve never actually watched the Chinese series so I don’t know what’s the same or different when comparing the series therefore I’ll give the basic premise about what the Japanese series is as a standalone. I also won’t do any comparisons because I haven’t seen the original and can’t speak for those characters or what happened. I do know that the Chinese series was much longer with 38 episodes whereas the Japanese series only had 12. Therefore, I can imagine that either there were other things thrown into the drama that weren’t included or some issues might’ve been prolonged or extended. But whatever it was that filled those 38 episodes, I don’t know because I haven’t seen it. So if any of you have actually seen the original series, feel free to tell me about it and I guess let me know whether you would recommend it or not!

So, without further ado, let’s get started!

Also, as a forewarning, this will contain spoilers about the series.

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