Accidentally in Love: Episode 30 (End)

We have finally reached the end! It’s finally time to say goodbye to these characters as this episode continues to focus on Feng and Qingqing. However, their future dreams and aspirations begin to be mixed in to their relationship and sometimes when that happens, the outcome isn’t too great. But it’s the last episode and after everything that those two have been through we know that they won’t be discouraged so easily.


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Accidentally in Love: Episode 29

Everything has seemingly returned to the way that it once was. It’s an episode that’s lighthearted and an enjoyable watch just like the beginning and we finally see Feng and Qingqing in a way they always were. While it is an episode that doesn’t really contain much, we’re almost at the end, so it’s time to start tying up those loose ends.


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Accidentally in Love: Episode 28

All is well as Qingqing and Feng are finally able to disembark from the roller coaster ride they’ve just been on. But while another small problem is brewing, it doesn’t seem like it’ll be too much of a problem for them. Instead, a slight issue might come from the jealousy. However, it’s a problem that has to be worked through if they’re going to continue to make it in the world.


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Accidentally in Love: Episode 23

Qingqing’s identity bomb finally explodes and she’s left to pick up the pieces of a semi-broken friendship. It’s not only her but Nanxi is also caught in the fire as he tries to help both of his friends understand what happened and why. It’s an episode that ventures away from the wacky and funny for a little bit as we turn to something that was bound to happen at some point, maybe not just in the most ideal way.


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Accidentally in Love: Episode 22

Friendships are saved and relationships are wanting to be deepened but how far can they really go? Even though progress is being made in their social lives it seems like something is brewing that just might overturn everything that Qingqing and Feng have worked towards when it comes to the two of them. But for right now, they know that they have each other and they probably couldn’t be happier but how long does happiness truly last?


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