Accidentally in Love: Episode 14

Qingqing ends up having to atone for her past actions but perhaps not all is actually in vain. The plot is still moving along slowly, that’s what we get for only having 30 minute episodes, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that nothing happens as we continue on the train towards Qingqing and Feng’s future romance.


It’s a new day at school and Qingqing is busy drawing about her and Feng’s basketball game in her journal. Feng enters the classroom at that moment and successfully sneaks up behind her to see what she’s drawing. Even though Qingqing tries to hide it from him, he manages to divert her attention and ends up stealing the book.


Unable to get it back from him, Feng begins looking through it and wonders why she’s drawing pictures of him. Qingqing passes it off as copying someone on the internet who does the same thing and Feng seemingly accepts it but continues looking at it anyway. Nanxi eventually joins in.

As he goes deeper, the pictures get more violent, like him getting bitten by a dog and the him getting struck by lightning picture. Qingqing can no longer bear to watch and grabs her journal. Feng wants to know why he can’t look at any more and she says that the last of the drawings are actually praising him, which means they’re different from what his company wants to portray. They don’t have time to dispute her, though, as Professor Chen fetches Qingqing to come into her office.


She gets the shock of her life once she enters the room because her grandfather is there, we’ll effectively now nickname him Grandpa Chen. Professor Chen leaves the room to allow Qingqing and Grandpa Chen to have their long-awaited chat.


Qingqing manages to break the ice first, wondering why he’s there but his first concern is about her appearance. He doesn’t like it and demands she comes back home saying there’s a limit to being rebellious. He says she stooped so low and Qingqing tells him that even though she’s not under his protection and not as pretty as before, it’s the first time she’s able to make her own decisions and that she’s very happy.


Grandpa Chen isn’t happy to hear that telling her she’s going to hurt herself without him and Qingqing tells him he’s hurting her now wondering why she can’t depend on herself for a good life. He criticizes her appearance of an ordinary girl and tells her she’ll never make it far in life. So Qingqing wants to prove him wrong and when he asks for a way, her eyes fall on a poster for the Miss Campus competition.

She informs him that she’ll use her current image to win the contest and prove him wrong. She bargains that if she becomes the winner, she’ll be able to stay in the college. However, if she loses, she’ll follow his wish and go back to Jincheng. He seemingly approves of the conditions and they shake on it, each agreeing to keep their promise.


Hua Munian is at the table to accept applications for the contest when Qingqing visits him. He’s surprised to learn that she wants to join the contest telling her it’s a beauty contest. Qingqing wonders if he’s only talking about external beauty and asks him what beauty is saying that true beauty is a form of beauty from within. Munian rejects that idea saying that beauty is beauty and tells Qingqing to go back to the dorms.


Xinya comes to the table at that moment and says that ugly ducklings can be beautiful swans and that they should never stop someone who overestimates themselves since they might miss a good story. Munian wonders if that means she’s supporting her but Xinya does get her dig in saying that the only reason ugly ducklings are able to become swans is because they were swans to begin with.

Qingqing doesn’t back down and wonders if Xinya is in the mood to eat swan. Her minion slightly laughs at the joke and says that only toads would want to eat swans, earning her a light smack by Xinya. Still, Qingqing demands an application form from Munian, determined to apply.


The next day at school Feng notices everyone heavily discussing something. Nanxi figures that it’s the list of contestants for the Miss Campus contest and Feng suggests he looks at the list since he’s looking for a girlfriend.


He does manage to hear that Qingqing has been accepted into the contest by some students vowing to support her and it’s those same students who cheer for her when she enters the classroom. When she sits down in her seat, she asks if Feng would write her a song for the contest but he only says that it doesn’t fit her to be in the contest. Qingqing bites back that it’s important to her and Feng asks her if she’s even aware that people think she’s a joke. Qingqing gets angry at him and proceeds to do that thing where you hit the pen in between the gaps of your fingers at a fast speed, shocking Feng.


She turns her attention to Nanxi next, wanting to speak with him in private. They end up leaving together and Feng becomes curious, perhaps even a little jealous?

Later that afternoon, Feng is practicing the pen thing on his own, his hand full of pen marks. He’s curious as to what Qingqing asked him and he reveals that she asked for his help. Feng is surprised at that but pretends that he’s actually not when Nanxi questions it. Feng says that he was just thinking that she’s not that pretty but Nanxi notes his concern for her. That’s another thing Feng tries to deny he’s not.


Nanxi sits down at his keyboard and begins to play a melody while practicing to play on the piano. Feng corrects the key, though, and compliments the combination of instruments in the song saying he should use them in the future. Nanxi tells him that if he likes it so much then he should thank Qingqing since she was the one who thought about it and she’s going to use it for the talent portion of the contest. Feng is surprised to hear that.

The two are going to practice and are moving the mandolin with Feng nagging. Qingqing leaves the room to change her clothes into the outfit she’ll wear and comes back wearing a long white dress, leaving both boys stunned. She wonders what they’re staring at and Feng says nothing while Nanxi just clears his throat.


Feng stands in the room as they practice with Qingqing’s warning that he’s not to bother them because the contest is important to him and he begrudgingly accepts his fate as he stands there and listens to the two of them practice.

The two are practicing when Xinya and her gang enter. She’s there to deliver a letter of complaint against him. The contents are about him helping Qingqing since he’s technically a judge for the contest yet also performing with her, therefore some may think that he’s being unfair. Qingqing sees that most of the people who complained are Xinya’s friend and calls her out on it but she asks how does she know? Plus, if the people complain, then Qingqing could be kicked out of the contest and Nanxi could be removed as Student Council President.


Seeing that Qingqing is getting angry, Nanxi extends a hand to comfort her and tells Xinya that the rules of the contest are approved by the principal so it may not be as serious as they’re making it. He does take the blame for helping one of the contestants, though, and Xinya says that it’ll be fine as long as he doesn’t help her. Not wanting to trouble anyone, Qingqing ultimately agrees and says she’s thankful for him even agreeing to help her. Nanxi tells her that there is someone else who knows how to play the song but Xinya interrupts the conversation and reminds him that he almost got in trouble because of her.

That night Qingqing goes to visit Feng in his quiet place and tells him that she has something very important to ask him and explains that she needs to win first place in the contest or he won’t be able to see her anymore. Feng becomes serious and asks why but Qingqing explains she currently can’t say. He does wonder how he can help and Qingqing explains that she figures Feng was the person Nanxi was referring to when he said someone else could play her song.


In his head, Feng doesn’t want to give in too easily in terms of his pride and ends up rejecting Qingqing blaming it on his bad mood. Dejected, Qingqing accepts that answer and walks away. Feng thinks that she should’ve asked him again and seems upset that he let an opportunity pass by.

It’s the night of the contest and Munian is even one of the judges. We see an older woman taking selfies with Nanxi as well, as hilarious as that is.


Qingqing enters the dressing room as the girls wonder if the beauty standard has dropped since they don’t know how Qingqing could be selected. They do figure it would be good for them if she ended in last place, though.

Xinya arrives at that moment and the girls all run over to compliment on how pretty she looks figuring she would be the one who would win again that year. Qingqing continues eating her lunch as she briefly looks at them through the mirror.


Everyone takes their seats and the hosts walk out on stage to begin the contest. We see the judges, with one of Xinya’s friends, Munian, the older woman who continues to secretly take pictures of Nanxi, and Nanxi who hides his face from her.


The contestants finally take the stage and there’s only like six of them? Xinya begins her first part of the event as Qingqing notices a girl swaying. It turns out she hasn’t eaten in order to lose some weight before the competition. Qingqing encourages her on.

The last judge arrives in his seat and he has an earpiece to converse with Grandpa Chen who is talking with one of the directors of the school. The two are watching the competition as Grandpa Chen thinks that Qingqing is just as stubborn as her mother but he won’t let her make the same mistakes she did.


Qingqing is up next and gets asked the question by Xinya’s minion. She brings up the fact that it’s a beauty competition and tells her that there’s nothing impressive about her appearance, wondering what motivated her to stand on stage and if she doesn’t think her participation is an insult to the other contestants. Nanxi stands up to warn Xinya’s minion about the question matter and to tell Qingqing she doesn’t have to answer the question.


She’s okay with it though, instead, asking a question to the audience and judges about what their definition of beauty is based on their understanding of it. She says she understands they live in a society that categorizes them based on how they were born, their physical attributes, to define them and tell them that that’s all they are as a person and thereby that’s how they should live their life. However, she informs them that there’s nothing that has only ever declared beauty as skin deep, saying that the definition of beauty should be in the eye of the beholder, that things they find touching should also define beauty, that it shouldn’t be differentiated by country or region.

She asks everyone if someone who isn’t up to the mainstream definition of beauty actually not beautiful and not worthy of being complimented or loved wondering who said that and who set the rules. Xinya’s minion is unhappy with her answer saying she’s creating a ruckus on stage, but Qingqing begs to differ saying that she’s a product of the stage and her being there actually showcases that the contest has brought possibilities to diversify the standard of beauty.


She ends her answer and goes back to her place but the audience and judges are stunned. Feng, of all people, begins clapping for her first causing a huge round of applause and a standing ovation for her answer. Grandpa Chen looks kind of proud as he watches on.


Xinya goes on stage for her talent portion, playing the violin. Qingqing is next with her mandolin, but since she doesn’t have anyone to play with her, it’s only her. Some students in the audience begin to wonder if her performance is too simple with some preferring Xinya’s performance instead. Nanxi and Fangfang hear some of it.

However, as the performance goes on, Qingqing begins to hear the faint sounds of a piano and she slightly turns to see Feng joining her, which brings a smile to her face. The two continue their duet on stage and Xinya sees their performance as she heads back.


The two stand side by side at the end of the performance to bow to the applause and Qingqing mentions that she didn’t think he was going to help her. Feng says he just didn’t want her to embarrass herself and Qingqing wonders if he was the first to applaud for her earlier. He pretends like he doesn’t know but he does compliment her, saying that she looks really pretty. He even takes it one step further by saying that she’s already Miss Campus in his eyes. Internally, Qingqing’s heart beats faster.


It’s time to announce the winner, who just so happens to be Xinya. Qingqing’s face slightly falls as it hits that she didn’t win and Feng has an unreadable reaction, perhaps remembering that Qingqing told him she might not be able to stay if she didn’t win.

The confetti goes off as Xinya is crowned. She looks over in Feng’s direction but sees he’s not looking at her the winner, his eyes are on Qingqing. She gives a slight smile and he nods his head, causing her smile to widen. Xinya stands on stage with a look of despair.


The judge from earlier informs Grandpa Chen that, like he instructed, transferred the votes to the other contestants. That means that he rigged it.

In her room, Qingqing packs her things. Fangfang comes in and notices it, wondering if she’s leaving because of the results of the contest telling her to talk to her if she doesn’t feel good about it. Qingqing begins to say that it’s not what she thinks but before she can say anything she receives a text from her grandfather congratulating her on her performance and revealing she actually already succeeded in being Miss Campus. Therefore he will hold his end of the bargain and she’ll be able to continue to study at Ming De College under the pretense that she can’t reveal her identity or else she’ll come home.


She tells the good news to Fangfang and their good mood immediately comes back.


Let me just say one thing, that scene with Qingqing, Feng, and Xinya was well executed. Now it may not be for other people, as I actually have no experience or knowledge in directing, but I just loved watching that scene. The slow motion as the confetti went off, Xinya being happy she won but her happiness slowly being replaced with the realization that it didn’t matter whether she won or not, Feng’s attention was on one person only, Qingqing. And then we have Qingqing who notices him in the crowd but probably thought he was looking at the winner, like everyone else, only to realize that he was looking at her. His slight nod of the head could either mean that he was acknowledging that he was indeed looking at her or telling her that she made a good effort.


But either way, his attention was all on her. He even complimented her appearance. Qingqing should be aware, based on her interaction with him as Qingchen, that when he tells someone they’re pretty, he really means it, so that should mean she knows he really meant his compliment and it’s probably not going to be something he makes fun of her for later. I think we can see some more of his affection coming out for her based on the competition. He was the first one to clap for her after her awesome speech about the definition of beauty and also stepped up to help her on the piano, not that he wasn’t going to in the first place, he just wanted her to ask him again because he wanted to be the one who helped all along.

Qingqing’s speech about beauty was really incredible and great and I think it’s something people should think about. Just because one has a preference doesn’t mean that their personal preference is wrong and just like Qingqing brought up, no one ever truly defined what beauty is, therefore no one really has a place to judge on it. The only thing we can judge on is the mainstream standard which defines people based on their personal attributes, things that are actually beyond their control, rather than inner beauty, the thing that people can actually change.


I do think that Feng is perhaps becoming more aware of his own feelings, beyond Nanxi pointing it out. The turning point may have been last episode when he took Qingqing out of the party, but he may fully be acknowledging them to himself now as he continues or maybe he knows that there’s more at stake with the competition. Perhaps with Qingqing pointing out that there was the possibility of her not being able to stay, Feng realized that their time could be limited. He did seem a little hurt that Qingqing wasn’t able to tell him the reason she might not be able to stay, but that’s just because he wants to know things about her.


I am totally not surprised that Grandpa Chen rigged the contest, though. I was sure that based off of her speech Qingqing was going to win. However, I am glad that he allowed her to stay at school. He clearly saw her determination in staying and basically determining her own happiness by finally making her own decisions so maybe he thinks that staying there will be a good growing period for her?

One thing I kind of don’t understand is why he exactly wants her to keep her identity a secret still. I do get that she’s stayed as the transformed Qingqing for so long that people would be shocked if she suddenly went back or maybe it’s because he doesn’t want their familial ties to be revealed to the public? Either way, as long as it ends with Qingqing being able to stay at the school, finally without having to continue hiding herself, then I’m all for it.


Still, the question remains as to when everyone’s going to find out. Nanxi knows, but Qingqing doesn’t know he knows and as for everyone else, they are still clearly in the dark. Is it weird that I just want there to be some sort of big reveal? That Qingqing just suddenly comes out as her actual self and just blows everyone away? I want her to tell Xinya and her minions to just shut up about the things they try to get on her for. The one problem in the equation is actually Feng. He previously stated that he doesn’t like to lie, which probably means he doesn’t like it when people lie and Qingqing has been lying to him since day one.

Although I wouldn’t call what she’s been doing lying technically. She just hasn’t told him the full truth, I guess kind of like withholding information. She has lied about some things but everyone just assumed she was an ordinary girl from an ordinary family, not that there would be any reason for anyone to think differently. It’s typically the deeper the relationship goes the deeper the hurt. So let’s at least hope that he’ll find out in a timely manner and is able to come to accept it in a timely manner as well. As for now, we’ll just take what we can get.


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