Accidentally in Love: Episode 15

We do get some more movement this half hour as there’s some burden taken off of Qingqing’s shoulders and a revelation that may just change how some things will continue to be done going forward. Either way, it’s an episode with a lot of discoveries and we’re only at the halfway point!


Qingqing’s phone rings in the middle of the night waking her. She sits up in shock as she learns that there’s more to shoot regarding Feng’s music video. Wanting to know the reason why she had no idea of this, she takes out the contract to see that she signed on for a music video series.


When Qingqing and Fangfang enter the classroom, they find students excitedly discussing their college excursion, a two-day one-night trip. The gossipy people tell Qingqing that Ming De College excursions are the perfect time to confess to the person you like as there are multiple couples in the class as a result from previous years. Additionally, a meteor shower is happening making them believe that the success rate for confessions will be higher that year.


They then turn the questions to Qingqing as they wonder if she likes anyone. She’s hesitant to answer and they point out her blushing. From a distance, Feng is seemingly trying to eavesdrop and Nanxi is eyeing him curiously.


However, the bell rings and Qingqing says that the guys there are too immature for her to like. As she approaches her desk, she notices the boys trying to divert their attention elsewhere and interrupts their spacing out to inform Nanxi that class is starting. Feng still pretends like he just wasn’t trying to hear, or curious, about what she might have said.

Professor Chen enters and gives the happy news that all of the students already know, their excursion is upon them. She informs them that they’re going to Luzui Cliff that weekend. Qingqing asks Feng if he has a music video shooting that weekend and he’s surprised she knows but she passes it off as being his assistant.


Professor Chen continues to explain that attendance is mandatory and Feng points it out saying that he still has to go. Qingqing chuckles to herself and wonders if that means she won’t have to do the shoot if he has to go. Feng notices her silent laughs and leans over to ask her if she’s that happy to go camping with him. Qingqing just hits him away wondering how he’s so shameless. They don’t continue their bickering as the students around them begin to look.

After class Feng is on the phone with Daniel. Not too long after Qingqing gets a call informing her of the change of plans. Unlike what she previously thought, about canceling the shoot entirely, he tells her that they’re just going to be changing the location of the music video since it was going to be an outside shoot anyway. Plus they can kill two birds with one stone since Feng can be there in time for the camping trip.


During the duration of her talking to him, Feng tries to sneak up on her as he once again takes notice of her laughing and giggling, wanting to know who’s on the other line.

Qingqing decides to pay a visit to Professor Chen who demands a 10,000 word report from a boy the following day that sends him out crying. She cheerfully goes up to her desk to ask if it’s possible she could skip the excursion. Professor Chen tells her that it’s compulsory therefore she can’t and points out that Feng has to even come after his shoot. She tries the next best thing, to be able to come late, and that is something she does agree to.


The filming takes place on Luzui Cliff and successfully finishes. Mei comes and informs Feng that they only have one bottle of warm water left and Feng lets Qingqing have it. She offers it back to him since his hands are cold but he rejects it, letting her have it.


Mei compliments the two of them and their chemistry and Daniel excitedly comes in and begins talking about their couple name. Feng interrupts him to ask if his car is ready and his is, but Qingqing’s isn’t. Seeing that she’s a bit upset and antsy about having to wait a little bit longer, Feng offers her a ride. She initially rejects him saying she’s not in a hurry but Daniel pushes it saying that she should go since they don’t know when the other car will arrive, since they were having trouble with it. Daniel was really just trying to push them together as the Fengchen couple, his name for them.

As they walk to the car Feng compliments Qingqing. She tells him that he did a better job than she did and he’s a busy idol. He then brings up his last promise to take her around Yuncheng and invites her to Luzui cliff. Qingqing tries to reject the offer but she already previously told Feng that she had nothing else to do and he points that out. She tries her next tactic of not knowing anyone but Feng manages to reason saying she knows Nanxi and everyone else is nice. With nothing left to do, Qingqing gets into the car wondering what to do with her transformed self.


The two arrive at the campsite and Nanxi is shocked to see Qingchen but invites them to sit down. The classmates start whispering that Feng came with someone pretty and Xinya, who overhears and sees, goes over and sits right next to Feng. Munian is close to follow.

She eyes Qingqing and wants to know why she’s there when she’s not a student. Feng tells her to stop since they’re all friends. Xinya says she’s not her friend and says that even though Qingqing isn’t there, she still has to deal with Qingchen.


That sparks something in Feng who begins to wonder where the Qingqing he knows went. Fangfang informs that she’s going to be late and Feng suggests they call her. Qingqing sneaks her hand into her bag to silence the vibrating, an act that Nanxi notices, and when Feng wonders where she went, he tries to come up with a reasonable excuse. Qingqing jumps in as well but Feng is worried wondering if she got lost and wants to go off to find her. Xinya tries to stop him but Feng promises he’ll be back soon and excuses himself.

Not too long after, Qingqing tries to excuse herself to go to the bathroom and rejects Fangfang’s offer of going together. She tells her she’d like to go alone and is off to the bathroom to transform back into her ordinary girl self.


She runs into Feng on the stairs who wants to know where she went and why she wasn’t answering her phone. He notices her slightly limping from walking down the stairs but Qingqing passes it off as nothing. She begins to explain that she went to the bathroom only to find that all of the trees looked the same and then she was walking down all those stairs and ended up spraining her ankle.


Feng guides her to sit down to help her take care of her leg and begins to scold her about hurting her ankle again. Qingqing tries to tell him that it’s not that serious but he says that everyone was worried about her. She wonders if that means he’s worried about her and at a slight loss of words, Feng admits he was, but everyone was. Qingqing smiles to herself.

He asks if Qingqing can walk and she can, but he still helps her down the stairs and escorts her back to the campsite telling her that he has a friend for her to meet, Qingchen.


When the two arrive back they express their concern for not knowing where Qingqing was. And it doesn’t take long before Feng wonders where Qingchen went. Nanxi tries to cover by telling him she went for a walk but Munian points out that she’s been gone for a half an hour which worries Feng since the place is so isolated. Qingqing chokes on her drink and wonders if maybe Qingchen just wanted to have a walk around and spend some time for herself.

Feng is insistent since he brought her there and goes off to find her. Qingqing excuses herself to go to the bathroom. It’s a process that repeats itself multiple times. Every time Feng comes back after finding one, he asks about the other one. With every transformation, Qingqing becomes more and more tired. How does no one notice anything or does no one just say anything?


Qingqing, dressed as Qingchen, is walking back from the bathroom when Nanxi calls out to her as Chen Qingqing. She unknowingly answers but tries to pretend that it was just a mistake wondering if he was looking for her and offering to go look. But Nanxi tells her that she doesn’t need to since he knows everything and reveals that he knows she’s the both of them.


They sit down on the stairs and have a talk. Qingqing is curious as to when he knew and when she finds out it’s been a while, wants to know why he didn’t tell her. He believes she has her reasons otherwise she wouldn’t put herself through that sort of trouble and Qingqing reveals that she came to the school because of her father. She begins telling him her story, about how she never knew her parents and her grandfather raised her to how she came to the college without telling her grandfather and discussing herself because her father graduated from the school. The pieces begin to click for him as he discovers Qingqing’s interest in the Student Council.

He then asks the important question, when is she ever going to tell Feng but she says she doesn’t know how to but does acknowledge that her lies are getting out of hand. She tells him that she’ll leave when she gets the information she needs and asks if Nanxi can keep it a secret. He agrees but is at a loss of what to call her. Qingqing swears to him that her name is real, it’s Chen Qingqing. He promises her to keep it a secret with the promise of her leaning on him whenever she’s facing any difficulties.


Feng is waiting at the campsite when Nanxi and Qingqing, as Qingchen, return. He immediately asks about ordinary Qingqing and they tell him that she’s probably not feeling well after eating too much. They manage to talk him out of finding her again but that doesn’t stop him being worried.


The group finds the gossipy students escaping to go watch the meteor shower and Munian leaves to go. Xinya asks Feng to go but instead of answering her right away, he asks about Qingqing. Nanxi figures they should just leave Qingqing to rest and suggests they go with Xinya and Qingchen. Having no other choice, he decides to go.

They all climb the cliff together to get to the spot that the gossipy students heard about. They notice a difficult path to reach the peak and seeing that they probably wouldn’t reach the top in time, and the path is dangerous, Nanxi suggests they go back. Everyone agrees to that noticing how difficult it truly is and begins the walk back. Only Qingqing ends up tripping on a rock and begins to fall down the cliff. Feng grabs onto her and goes down as well.


Nanxi begins to excuse a rescue strategy despite Xinya being frantic and guides everyone on what they should do. He assigns roles and then goes to try to find a way down himself.


Feng and Qingqing have fallen into a cave and slowly wake. They’re slightly injured but it’s not anything too dangerous, just a couple of cuts and bruises, but they’re also sore from their fall. They both happened to lose their phone and Qingqing begins to get worried about them being found. Noticing her anxiousness, Feng manages to do calm her down and even gives her his jacket.


They begin to call for Nanxi and when they don’t hear an answer, Qingqing wonders if they fell too far for them to hear. Feng figures that they probably did but is confident that someone will find them.

As they sit down and look at the night sky Feng says that Nanxi should be there since it’s a good opportunity to be a hero. Qingqing notes his joking manner but the atmosphere between them soon gets serious as Feng sees Qingqing touching her head. He offers to take a look for her, seeing she’s injured, and looking at him in such a proximity to her, Qingqing confesses her feelings. However, to him, it’s Qingchen confessing her feelings.


The first thing he asks is when she started liking him and she wonders if it perhaps started when she first met him. She also says that she feels like she wouldn’t get another opportunity to tell him. He seems a little worried as he apologizes and reveals that he has someone else he likes, Qingqing.

Nanxi, of course, arrives outside of the cave at that moment but doesn’t interrupt their conversation.


Qingqing tries to hide the little smile on her face as Feng continues by fully admitting that Chen Qingqing is the person he likes. It’s Qingqing’s turn to ask the question as she wants to know when Feng started liking her. He confesses that at first he thought she was special even though she was sometimes a headache. That she was stubborn and never cared if the whole world thought she was wrong, she was going to persevere. Feng says that he felt very comfortable and relaxed whenever they spent time together and he could be himself without the burden of being an idol.

He explains that he slowly, unknowingly, began to take notice of everything she did and continually kept looking for her. He admits his jealousy when she paid attention to other guys and says that the turning point, when he realized she was just like any other girl, was the day she was wrongly accused. Which means that it was the day she went to Nanxi’s grandmother’s birthday party.


Feng tells Qingqing, who he thinks is Qingchen, that he realized she needs to be loved and cared for and from that moment he was certain that he fell for her, deeply fell for her. He admits he wants to hold her, protect her even if the world is against him. Qingqing can’t help but smile at his comments.

He then draws her attention to the meteor shower before them and says that it would have been a perfect moment if Qingqing was there with him. She suggests that they make a wish, and they both do as the meteor shower continue.


Nanxi is still by the side of the cliff wondering if Qingqing likes Feng too.


Am I the only one who thinks that that would have maybe been a perfect opportunity for Qingqing to reveal herself? I get that there would obviously be repercussions about the entire thing, but I just wanted Qingqing to come out and say that she was right there! When Feng said that it would have been a perfect moment if Qingqing were there, I wanted her to just be like “Well what if I told you she was?” or something like that at least.


Maybe I’m just anxious about her revealing herself. A part of me does want her to show Xinya up and the other half just wants her to be honest with Feng so that their relationship can take the next step. He’ll obviously be mad, who wouldn’t be mad if the person you thought you knew turned out to be someone entirely different, but I think he’d be able to get over it. If she explained her reasons to him like she did with Nanxi, then maybe he’d be able to understand exactly why she had to disguise herself in the first place.

I am glad that Feng was able to get it off his chest that he likes Qingqing. Even though he didn’t tell Nanxi first, I feel like it was a good moment for him to confess, even if he doesn’t think that it’s to the same person he very well likes. Qingqing’s, as Qingchen, confession caught him off guard and I guess he wanted to stop her feelings for him before they grew because he knew that she’d have no chance anyway, or at least that’s what he thinks.


Personally, I am one all for hidden identity shows when they at least incorporate it a little bit. So if I were to have any sort of complaints about this show so far, it’s that Qingqing doesn’t seem to do anything with the information that she gets from Feng as Qingchen. It’s not like I want her to use it in a malicious manner or something, it’s more along the lines of her kind of pushing Feng along.

It is true that we haven’t really gotten many scenes of her as Qingchen and thereby getting her and Feng interacting with her as Qingchen, but I do think that she could have at least been able to use her secret identity as Qingchen in a way that would allow her to discover more about Feng’s feelings. However, now, Feng has fully disclosed that he likes Qingqing, so I guess we just have to see whether she does anything with the information she now has at hand.


One other thing, though, how did no one notice that Qingqing and Qingchen would appear when the other disappeared? I get that it’s probably not obvious from a looks standpoint, no one would think that they’re the same person, but isn’t it highly suspicious when someone is never in the same place as someone else, especially when they’re at some place like a campsite. I do get the excuse that they came up with that she had a stomachache because it makes sense then as to why she was going to the bathroom so often, but no one else had any idea? But this is a drama, so what else can we do?

I am happy that Nanxi finally told Qingqing that he knows and that Qingqing told him her story. I do know that Qingqing has friends but it’s just nice to see that she’s able to have someone who actually knows everything. Maybe Nanxi will help somehow along the line. He and Feng seem to have been friends ever since they were younger so maybe he could give her some advice on how to approach the whole let me tell you my huge secret identity thing.


But we are officially halfway through the series! It really doesn’t feel like we are. I feel like I never want this drama to end. If I were to say anything about the first half overall, it kind of felt like we were all over the place at some parts, especially those first couple of episodes, anyone remember that Qingqing was actually introduced to everyone as his fiancée only for him to turn around and want nothing to do with her by the third episode? While I do feel like the show got its footing around the time they started being in college and having Qingqing be his assistant, when I think about it, the first couple of episodes seem so out of place when compared to the series thus far. Maybe that’s just me.


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