Accidentally in Love: Episode 16

Love can make people do some special things. Qingqing finally receives the information she has desired about her parents all along but when it ends up breaking her, there’s nothing like her friends who step up and support her in her time of need.


Qingqing and Feng make their wishes at the cliff and Feng apologizes to Qingqing, who he thinks is Qingchen, for letting her down. He tells her that she’ll find love one day and asks if he was too harsh earlier about what he said about Qingqing. She denies it and congratulates him on finding someone to love and tells him to disregard what she said.


But he does get an idea and brings up Nanxi almost revealing that he likes her only for Nanxi to give his position away when he tries to interrupt. They’re both happy to see him and he nervously says that he didn’t hear anything. The two don’t dwell on it for too long as he quickly informs Xinya that the two have been found so they can send the rescue team.

It’s the next day and Feng is curious how Qingqing managed to get back to campus. Nanxi explains that she just took the bus to come back and it’s a good excuse for Feng who wonders why she always does things by herself. He’s more concerned with her learning about what happened in the cave and points out her angry demeanor whenever he said something about Qingchen. Feng thinks she’s jealous and Nanxi half rolls his eyes.


Nanxi does ask if he doesn’t have a clue and Feng thinks for a little. He comes to the conclusion that Qingqing and Qingchen must like each other, but that’s impossible. Nanxi can’t believe what he just heard, he’s probably wondering how his best friend doesn’t notice.

Thankfully they see Fangfang on her way to class and Feng takes immediate notice of a missing Qingqing. Fangfang explains that she’s not feeling well and is going to be missing class. Feng wants to go see her but Qingqing has specifically requested that he not and either way, he’s not allowed to go into the girls dorm. Nanxi just accepts the answer and he and Fangfang head to class. Feng is a bit more hesitant and looks back at the girls dorm before he goes. Qingqing watches him from the window.


Alone in her room she begins to do some ballet moves showing that she’s seemingly perfectly fine. Did she maybe not want to face Feng after his confession? She manages to make it on her bed and ends up falling over.

Later, one of the teachers heads to the bathroom and enters the male restroom, only to find a woman in there doing her makeup. Thinking he’s entered the wrong bathroom, he quickly makes his way over to the other one but leaves to the sound of screaming girls. The woman that he saw in the male bathroom is none other than Feng.


With his female disguise, he sneaks into the girls dorm. He gets noticed by the teacher who is in charge of keeping order and keeping the guys out, I guess. She doesn’t take notice, even when she looks at his face, and instead asks him which purse would suit her better. He manages to point one out and when she’s too absorbed in looking at it some more, takes the opportunity to run away.

His destination is Qingqing’s room and his fervent knocks wake her up. She recognizes his voice right away and tries to hide herself. But Feng enters the room, slowly closing the door, and goes over to Qingqing, who is hiding underneath the covers on her bed. Feng slowly pulls back the blanket but Qingqing gets the shock of her life when she sees him, screaming in shock.


Once she gets over her shock, Qingqing lightly hits him and asks him if he takes pleasure in dressing up. This literally has to be like this fourth time cross dressing in this show or something? Either way, he admits that he is crazy and tells her that that was the only way he could see her, taking off the hat and wig.

Taking a better look at her Feng notices the bump on her forehead, what happened the previous night from the cliff. Qingqing lies to him by saying that she bumped her head while she was sleeping and that earns her a slight scolding by Feng. She changes the subject, though, wanting to know why he came into the dorm. Feng tells her that he was worried she was dead since she didn’t come to class all day.


But things take a more romantic spin as Feng softly tells Qingqing that he heard she didn’t eat anything all day and pulls out some food, lobster pasta. It just so happens that that’s one of Qingqing’s favorite foods and she wonders how he knew. He admits to overhearing her on the first day of school order that, in the fourth episode, and that it was so random he would remember something like that. Why do I think that that’s a cover up?

The dish gets her seal of approval and she’s curious as to where Feng bought it from but he confesses to her that he actually make it himself and that slightly catches her off guard but she’s seemingly happy. He tells her that he doesn’t make food just for anyone and warns her to be careful while she eats, staring at her the entire time.


She points out his gaze, softly asking why he’s staring at her, but in his nervousness of realizing that he’s been caught, Feng tries to change the subject to how she hurt herself while she was sleeping. Feng does pull out an egg from the bag and, against Qingqing’s wishes, begins to roll it on her forehead to help the swelling.


He spends the entire rest of the afternoon at her dorm and the two talk about Feng’s interest in cooking but their heart-to-heart conversation gets interrupted by Fangfang’s arrival. She immediately suspects that Feng is a pervert and begins to chase him through the halls with a broom and as she yells throughout the dorm that he is a pervert, the other girls join in until he’s out of the building.


The next day at school the girls are talking about the cross dressing pervert that was in the room. They all want the story from Fangfang and Feng looks on in the back of class over a book. Nanxi asks Feng if he knows anything about the subject and Feng says that he’s just happy nothing happened to Qingqing. Nanxi does not his lack of concern for her but Feng tries to say that he truly is.


Qingqing enters the classroom and takes her seat next to Feng. He slightly leans over and notes that she came. It looks like he wants to say something else but Nanxi interrupts to ask her how she is after the supposed pervert. She gives a nervous look to Feng before telling Nanxi that she’s alright.

Qingqing is then summoned to Professor Chen’s office where she gives her an article she found about her parents since Qingqing told her that the whole reason she came to the college was to learn more about her father. She reveals the heartbreaking news that her parents got into an accident while they were going to elope and believes that the news was kept hidden because of the bad influence it would have on the name of the college.


In tears, Qingqing is unable to believe it since that’s not the story Grandpa Chen told her. Professor Chen thinks that maybe he tried to keep it from her for her own good. But in tears, Qingqing thanks her before running out of the office.

She runs until she makes it to a hallway to call her grandfather and asks up front if her parents died in a car accident, that her mother didn’t die of an illness and her father didn’t run away to enjoy his life. She asks if they were pushed to the edge by him but her grandfather just says he was doing it to protect her. She doesn’t want to hear any of it anymore, and hangs up.


Qingqing ends up on the soccer field, running the track and she thinks back to the information she found about her parents thus far and how she had basically been so happy to finally hear some stories about them, things that she was never able to get from her grandfather. She even thinks back to when she saw them the night before she got engaged, in the very first episode.

She finally collapses in exhaustion and in tears on the track and that’s where Feng, Nanxi, and Fangfang find her crying her heart out. They’re concerned for her and upset, she tells them she might have to leave the college and drops the news that her father has passed away.


They relocate to a soccer net where they hear Qingqing’s story. She reveals that she thought she’d be able to find her father by coming to the college but now learning what actually happened, everything has shattered for her. She wonders if she should stay since everything has lost its meaning for her. Nanxi tells her that it’s not true since she has all of them so she still has a reason to stay at the school and that she should know she’s not alone. Even Feng tells her that he doesn’t want her to go.


A bit better, but still clearly upset, Qingqing is in the Student Council when Xinya comes in to scold her about her job. Nanxi comes in and wants to know what’s going on and Xinya complains to him that Qingqing mixed up all of the files and tells her to get it done by today. Qingqing says she will and goes to leave with the files in hand and Nanxi goes after her.


He takes the files from her hand and tells her he’ll do the files since she should go and rest. She doesn’t want to burden him with that responsibility but he tells her not to push herself and reminds her of what he told her at the campsite, that he’ll help her whenever she needs some, that she shouldn’t keep things to herself. He sends her on her way and takes the files back to his office to finish. A couple of files drop as he’s walking and he happens upon Qingqing’s information where he notices her birthday, it’s that same day.

Fangfang brings her to a field that night under the premise that they should get out sometime. As she looks around a little, Fangfang escapes from her side but when Qingqing goes to find her, she stumbles upon a large tree covered in lights with Fangfang, Munian, Nanxi, and Feng standing underneath of it singing Happy Birthday to her. Now that Feng said aloud that he likes Qingqing, it seems like he tends to look at her more often, maybe acknowledging his feelings has changed him?


Qingqing is touched at the act and wonders how they knew that it was her birthday. Nanxi confesses that he saw it while doing the files, but she doesn’t mind. They present her the cake and tell her to make a wish and Feng just keeps looking at Qingqing so lovingly. The two of them sit underneath of the tree with their sparklers as the others run around the tree. They both look at each other and give each other small smiles.


The others then join as their sparklers go out and Qingqing thanks Nanxi for a wonderful time since it’s the first time she celebrated her birthday with friends. He doesn’t want to take all of the credit, though, as they all worked on it together. But he has a surprise that he wants to give everyone that can’t be done under the tree and directs them to an empty field. He tells everyone to stay put while he goes and gets it but Qingqing has forgotten her bag under the tree so Feng goes with her to get it and Munian and Fangfang both gets phone calls that require them to leave.


Feng and Qingqing arrive at the tree to find that Qingqing’s back is still there. They sit down underneath of it as she takes out a journal that holds pictures of her parents. She looks at it as tears begin to form in her eyes. Seeing that she’s upset, Feng tries to comfort her and puts his arm around her.


Meanwhile, Nanxi comes back with the box of fireworks, his surprise, to see that everyone’s gone.

Back under the tree Qingqing tries to get herself back together and Feng reveals that he has a gift for Qingqing, it’s a song. Once the song is over, Qingqing thanks him for the song. He reveals that it was his mother’s favorite song but then she got sick and passed away. He tells her that before she passed away his mother said that if she was ever not there, she would turn into a star and always watch over him and he says that he thinks that her parents are the same. They look at the sky together as Qingqing wonders if her parents are doing well up there.


Feng pulls out the guitar pick necklace that he always wears telling Qingqing that it was a gift from his mother, the guitar pick, and he turned into a necklace hoping that it’d bring him good luck. Now, it’s time for it to bring Qingqing some good luck. She’s hesitant to accept something that’s so meaningful to him, but Feng says that he’s not a petty person with only the song being her gift and puts the necklace around her. Qingqing promises to cherish it for him.


Nanxi sees the moment from behind and is slightly angry. He goes back to where his fireworks are waiting to express his anger about getting something like that ready only for them to go off and have their romantic moment. He wonders why such things happen to him, as in him always ending up helping other people and swears that he’s not going to set off the fireworks.


Yet we see that fireworks go off as Feng and Qingqing are sitting there. Aww, Nanxi, I knew you had a heart of gold. The two continue sitting there and watching them.


Nanxi, my heart really goes out to you. Throughout all of these episodes I haven’t really said much about him but you can see that he has such a loyalty to Feng that he’s not willing to do anything to disturb their friendship, even if it does mean that he has to give up the girl of his dreams. You can even just see the goodwill he has by him saying that he doesn’t want to set off the fireworks and help their romantic moment but he does anyway because he’s a good friend and he knows how much Feng does like her.

I know it was only one episode ago, but it’s like all of Feng’s feelings have been released now that he has publicly acknowledged, at least somewhat publicly, that he likes Qingqing. His confession to her on the soccer field telling her not to go was like half a confession, I think. He really didn’t want her to go, just like how he didn’t want to back when she was doing the Miss Campus contest, but he was unable to say that he wanted to help her because of his pride. Now, he’s able to throw his pride out the window.


Qingqing’s parents, though. I had a feeling that her grandfather wasn’t exactly telling the truth as he previously wondered what she had figured out when she called him before and there’s also how there was almost nothing with information about her parents in any of the textbooks at the school. But for her to hear that her grandfather has lied to her for practically her entire life, that had to hurt.

It’s kind of hard to tell, but I think that that lasted over a couple of days, so she didn’t exactly find out on her birthday, but still, that doesn’t cover the hurt upon the realization that her whole life thus far has been a lie. And it makes sense that she would doubt her position at the school, losing all hope, because finding out what happened to her father was her main motivation in coming to the school anyway. To have it all ripped out from underneath of you, she would want to leave.


Therefore I’m glad that her friends were able to cheer her up and help celebrate her birthday. Qingqing has lived a lonely life thus far. She admitted that it was the first time she’s ever celebrated her birthday with friends and previously she told her grandfather that he always made every decision for her. It’s clear that he thinks he’s trying to protect her with her best interests in mind, but it has basically suffocated her for her entire life.

The trouble isn’t going to stop for Qingqing, though, as she meets with Yiyang in the next episode and it seems like Feng is in some trouble. So we’ll only have to wait and see.


But side note, I recently saw a sort of behind the scenes type thing where it showed the last scenes of some of the actors as well, like the last scenes they filmed, and it was interesting to see the order that they filmed the series. I know that the series was fully completed before it was aired, but it’s interesting. In it, it said that the actor who plays Yiyang, Zhao Yiqin, was actually the first one to complete his filming and he was done before the New Year, I’m pretty sure. That may be why we don’t really see him in these group outings and why he seems to make random appearances here and there. Maybe he had something else to film?

Also, another thing that was intriguing was that the cave scene, the scene from the beginning of this episode and the ending of last episode, was Ma Li, the actor who plays Gu Nanxi’s, last scene. I think they also said that that was the last time Sun Yining had to dress up as Qingchen, the original Qingqing. In the same batch of clips, they also showed that they filmed the concert scene, when Qingqing is in the crowd watching Feng perform for the first time, in January, a couple of months after filming started. There was even a spoiler for the very last scene they filmed which hasn’t happened yet, but let’s just say that it involved a kiss between Qingqing and Feng.


I just think it’s interesting to see the order that they film things, that they don’t necessarily film everything in order. I guess it has a lot to do with what locations are available and what kind of weather they may be faced with, but I guess I just never really thought about them jumping around that much. But hey, whatever works.


4 thoughts on “Accidentally in Love: Episode 16

  1. I’ve been really enjoying these! Thanks for writing and sharing them. What a cute series 🙂
    It looks like this is the last one you’ve done? Hope you do more!


  2. I feel so bad for nanxi ): if only qingqing and qingchen can split into two people LOL. One for each of them.. it would be perfect


  3. I was really enjoying your reviews on this show! There’s so little info about it online and I was thrilled to find these. Please consider doing more!! They’re very enjoyable 🙂


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